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  • Writer's pictureIman Khan

Stone massing concepts

Updated: Sep 9, 2019

As a group we laid out the different spaces in a performance space using rocks. We gave each rock a certain program based on its quality.


Concept 1: Field Architecture

The first concept covered was based around field architecture. This involves different functions to be arranged across the site according to the level of porosity we would like to achieve.

To induce anxiety in a performance space we decided that some of the dance and drama rehearsal rooms would be see through from the outside. Keeping this in mind, we placed these functions around the paths that are taken through the site. This would allow students to be able to see people rehearse when walking through the site which would force those rehearsing to up their game.

This concept also allows us to create sight lines through the site to the clock tower and other heritage buildings to preserve views and to integrate the performance space well into its surroundings.

As shown in the diagram, the porous (anxiety induced) spaces such as the rehearsal rooms are placed around circulation points with the quieter rehearsal spaces behind them. The black box is positioned in between dance and drama allowing for easy flow between the different functions in the performance space. Towards the left, close to the trees are the study and staff areas where students can learn away from the noisier parts of the space. More so, in the middle of the entire complex is the amphitheatre, central to the performance space. By placing the amphitheatre here, sight lines to the clock tower are maintained. This acknowledges the importance of the Clock Tower to the university.


Concept 2: Porosity gradient

Another concept we had was to do with the porosity gradient of the space height wise. The porous rehearsal rooms would be placed on ground level and as you go up the building becomes quieter. This follows the anxiety inducing areas at the bottom and the more boring areas at the top. The light at the bottom and heavy at the top opposes the usual scale of heavy being at the bottom and light being at the top.

With the quieter areas being at the top with views out, there is more peace and calm allowing performers to focus. This area would be the more boring spaces as compared to the porous, anxiety areas at the bottom.

Again the amphitheatre is central to the performance space, almost embracing the complex. The black box is positioned right next to the amphitheatre allowing easy access.

The qualities of the rocks were chosen according to its porosity and density. The porous, anxiety areas are shown using porous rocks and the quieter more boring areas are shown through the dense, compact rocks.


Concept 3: Anxiety Scale

The last concept was more of a graph as it explored the qualities of rocks according to the emotions it induces from calm to stressed out rocks.

We identified the calm rocks to be those that dense, smooth and rounded in shape. As you move across the scale the rocks start to become more porous and sharp with veins and streaks running through them.

Using this scale, we gave different functions within the space a spatial quality through the characteristics of these rocks. Examples of this can be seen in the previous stone concept studies. The anxiety induced dance and drama rehearsal rooms were given more porous rocks, while the quiet rehearsal rooms were given calm, smooth rocks.

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