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  • Writer's pictureIman Khan

Final crit.

Entrance view into site

Amphitheatre and foyer view into site

Courtyard view from drama rooms

The three renders above show the progression of the anxiety scale as the viewer walks into the site. Throughout the site are the different parkour elements which tie the space together, making it alive.

The first render captures the view as you walk down into the terraformed landscape. This terraforming forces viewers down into the site for them to be able to get a sense of the space. It shows the more porous dance rooms on the right with a boredom corridor leading to the first excited room and a calm corridor leading to the hyper-aware room. There is a view of one pod from here, inviting viewers to walk further into the space. The bright yellow and red steel columns reflect the excitement and hyper-aware mood of the rooms. While the timber shading devices follow the curve of the trees on-site and also frame the view towards the first pod.

The second render shows the view from the amphitheatre formed by the different parkour elements, the pods can be seen clearly from here as they also act as lights onto the foyer space. The materiality of these pod matches the strips of copper used around the site to reinforce the idea of self awareness. The glass foyer behind the amphitheatre acts as a sound reflector for the foyer, where its concavity focuses the sound towards the centre of the stage, with the help of the cantilevered pods. Towards the left the introspective drama and dance rooms can be seen which are relatively quieter. The materials of the rooms reflects the quality of the space. Slits in stone were used for the rooms which had some level of observation, while wood was used for the more calm and introspective rooms.

Lastly, the third render captures the view from the calm drama courtyard looking onto the excited dance room. This area features lots of natural materials as we associated calm with nature and quiet. The design of this space does not infringe on the existing environment, instead it sits in harmony with it.

Ground Floor plan

First Floor Plan

Theatre level 1

Theatre level 2

Section looking into dance rooms, foyer and theatre

Section looking into dance, amphitheatre, foyer and drama rooms


The team!

After presenting to the critics and our group, there were many comments on the nature of the corridor spaces and the different parkour elements around the site. Some critics found the use of concrete to be very exciting instead of boring as we had initially made it to be and others found the parkour elements to be very forceful. Again this was personal taste and appealing to all tastes is something that no architect can ever achieve. There are always different ways of looking at the same thing and what matters is the effort we put into researching and designing as best as we could given the time and complexity of our project.


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