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  • Writer's pictureIman Khan

Section Drawings

Updated: Oct 23, 2019

During one session, each of us were asked to pick a section and present it to the class...


Section 1: Wicker Dock by Dominio Arancibia

This section was a thesis project based on a factory restoration. It appealed to me because of its sketchy and unfinished quality. The fact that this drawing has aspects that can be worked on make it a more appealing drawing. I find that when looking at it, the unfinished product allows for more creativity and imagination, which is what's needed during the design process.


Section 2: "X" by Idan Sidi Hauben

When scrolling through a collection of section drawings, this one in particular stood out to me. The colours, arrangement on the page, the amount of blank space and the surrounding elements were all very unique. After looking into the project I found this to b a winner of a design competition which explains its strong visual qualities. Instead of focussing on the more technical aspects of the design, this drawing explores the ways a section drawing can be presented which I found very interesting.

Being in our initial stages of the design process, this is an example of type of sections that may be producing instead of the more finished, polished ones.

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