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  • Writer's pictureIman Khan

Life Lessons and Learning Environments

Being an integral part to our everyday lives as students and designers, I came across many aspects in the design of a learning environment. Listed below are some of those aspects that should be considered when designing a learning environment...


One of the most important aspects of a classroom is space. Whatever activities are taking place in the classroom, there needs to be enough room for those activities to take place safely. For younger children, more space is required as they like to run and play around frequently. Enough space would also allow for interchangeable spaces which would allow for many different types of learning to take place.

Furniture and other equipment

Sizes of furniture and other equipment need to be decided according to the size of the users. For preschoolers smaller, more sturdy furniture with rounded corners are necessary to prevent any injuries of any kind. Also they should preferably be light so that they can be moved around to create extra space. The materiality of objects should also consider the users, again preschoolers require light and strong materials that would not crack or break under pressure.


For most of us, storage is something that occurs to us towards the end of our design proposals, however storage is actually really important to every space. Having the right amount of storage would allow for spaces to be organised and maintained in the right way.

Air quality

The air quality in every room, whether it be a classroom or not is very important. Rooms must be ventilated to prevent any moisture condensing and to keep the occupants comfortable. The correct temperatures must also be maintained as cooler temperatures work better for study as compared to warmer temperatures.


Depending on the function of the room, the lighting must be adjusted accordingly. For lecture theatres, changeable lighting is required for projections to take place, however for preschools bright warm light works best to allow for reading and writing.

When designing a learning environment and also when choosing a school for your child I think these are some really important factors that should be considered. For me, before I choose a school for my child I would like to check out the classrooms, learn more about the teaching methods and would like to listen to what others have to say about the school.

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