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  • Writer's pictureIman Khan

Group Master-plan

Updated: Sep 8, 2019

Drawing from the previous concept studies we came together as a group and combined all our ideas into a collective group concept.


Word Diagram

The first task given was to explain our thinking behind the brief. This work diagram explores the different ideas and concepts when delving into the brief.

The main ideas were of using emotions such as anxiety and boredom when approaching the design. After discussing with each other we thought one very effective way of inducing anxiety in a performer was through surveillance and a way of inducing boredom was through self reflection.

Another aspect of the design covered in the word diagram were the requirements of the space. The brief asked for two theatres (one indoors, one outdoors), multiple rehearsal spaces and a student centre. After doing some precedent research, we all seemed to like the idea of field architecture as seen in 21st Century and an element of porosity as seen in the Croatian Pavilion.

Concept Photos

The two main ideas as mentioned earlier were porosity through an exterior structure as seen in Croatian Pavilion and field architecture as seen in 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art.

The three photos on top are an exploration of the porous exterior structure. As shown in the photos above, these grid like structures allow view into the interior spaces such as the rehearsal rooms. This direct gaze into the building allows for inducing anxiety.

The row of photos below are an example of field architecture including the specific functions within the performance space such as an amphitheatre, black box and dance and drama rehearsal rooms.

These two ideas seemed to work very well with each other as filed architecture would allow for the arrangement of functions to be placed according to the amount of porosity we'd like to achieve. This could then be enveloped with the grid like structure that ties all the functions of the space together.

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