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  • Writer's pictureIman Khan

Learning Environments: Fostering Creativity

Updated: Sep 7, 2019

" Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up"

Pablo Piccaso

In the video above, Robinson talks about gaps in the current education system where the importance of creativity and radical thinking seems to be lost. He stresses on the fact that creativity and literacy should be given equal importance, which I think is really important because everyone has a brain that consists of two parts: the analytic and creative. I think that in order to have a healthy mind it is important to train and nourish both sides.

This however is hard to do with the current education systems and the current way of thinking as well. Creativity is not given as much importance as is should be. At school students are encouraged to take up the more scientific subjects instead of the creatice arty ones. I agree that science is important but nothing compares to the power of creativity.

“Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try”

Dr. Seuss

However, a hierarchy in our education system exists which gives more importance to the analytic side. According to Robinson, mathematics and languages are given the most importance, followed by the humanities and at the very end comes art. Given the least importance of all, many school children begin to drop creative subjects when going into universities out of fear of being jobless or having no career. This constant search for jobs and careers leaves extremely talented individuals with the thought that their creative skills are of no use and therefore has a negative impact on the creating learning of a child.

As Picasso once said "every child is an artist", and the real challenge is remaining one in times like these where such people are given very little importance. Instead of fostering creativity in a child, we are instead "educated" out of it.

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