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  • Writer's pictureIman Khan

Concept images

Updated: Oct 23, 2019

Can unpleasant feelings such as anxiety and stress be used effectively in the design of a performance space to enhance the level of learning?


The chosen brief 'Harnessing the Unpleasant' aims at effectively utilising negative emotions such as stress and anxiety within a performance space.

Unpleasant feelings such as anxiety and stress are usually looked down upon as they stir negativity and can prevent us from achieving certain goals. Keeping in the intensity of such unpleasant feelings, how can these feelings be overturned to produce positive results?

When it comes to the design of a performance space, the act of watching is the main element which enhances performance. The gaze of others can create feelings of anxiety and stress which would be beneficial in this case. For most performers the eyes of others is a factor that motivates and pushes them to their best.

Since the act of watching stood out to me the most, I decided to create a space which would induce these emotions. The conceptual image above shows an open plan rehearsal space with movable curved walls all different to each other. These movable walls allow performers to create their own personal rehearsal space as a safe area for themselves. However the act of watching others and being watched is still evident, causing a controlled level of anxiety. These spaces would give the performers enough room to make themselves feel comfortable and when they feel ready for a wider audience, walls can be adjusted accordingly.

The movable curved walls of different heights in a large open plan room gives the space a never-ending quality which again ties back to feelings of anxiousness and stress. This is coupled with monotone colours to allow the performers to stand out and be the focal point of the performance.

Conceptual sketch of a stressed out mind

Atmospheric sketch of the anxiety in a performance space

The conceptual sketches above convey the effect of anxiety on a performer from what goes on in the mind to the atmosphere in a performance space.

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