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  • Writer's pictureIman Khan

Peace on the Border walls

Updated: Sep 3, 2019

The US-Mexican border, a 3,175km long border wall extending into the Pacific Ocean has been a place for artists to promote peace and love between the two countries.

As Trump tightened immigration laws and decided to build longer border walls, US and Mexican artists came together to celebrate peace and unity. In December 2019, bi-national artist Enrique Chiu gathered a group of 2,600 people to paint and decorate the border wall as a sign oh hope.

A mile long mural painted by 2,600 artists on the US-Mexican border.


Earlier this year, artists Ronald Reel and Virginia San Fratello realised their seesaw installation to promote peace between the two countries.

Installation on the US-Mexican Border by Virginia San Fratello and Ronald Rael

Despite being an installation, this attempt at peace has reached thousands all over the world showing human nature which brings us all together no matter what race or colour.

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